
check uni site or career/ business
list include?

what to include?
why you interested in course/ career
previous studies
relevant aspects jobs, placement, experience, volunteering, hobbies
demonstrate you are a great candidate

write it?
opening sentence (trailer)
structure B.M.E.
conclusion reinforces commitment enthusiasm skills
(grammar, spelling, punctuation)
leave time to do this.

technical details
4000 characters or 47 lines of text (including spaces and blank lines)
don't copy and paste jeopardise


  • great listener 
  • directing
  • thinking fast
  • resolving problems big or small 

I believe I'm a great listener and I'm really creative I'm good at directing and fast at thinking, I work hard even though I don't feel like working sometimes, I am good at helping others, I'm good at getting problems resolved.

  • confidence 
  • timemangement 
  • react to quickly to situations good or bad

I react to things to quickly (bad or good), I over stress and panic at certain points, I also struggle with time management.

  • getting experience 
  • theres always new software 
  • having springboard tv at college 
  • always got jobs going even though there isn't anywhere around here that is media related

I know people who knows people in the industry.

  • not much media oppitunites 
  • living in a secluded area 
  • getting ideas turned away

even though my weakness are here, I am trying to improve my time management by planning wisely and starting of easy, my confidence has gotten better in the fact I can speak infront of people with out crying, but my believe in myself isn't as strong, 

I want you to write a short paragraph about how you won't let your weaknesses hold you back and how you will turn your threats into opportunities. 

people turning away my ideas,

One of my weakness is confidence. even though my confidence isn't the strongest point to me, I m going to try and improve my confidence by pushing myself to talk to more people by trying to connect with them, and not be socially awkward when it comes to talking to new people or even people I may know. which even though it may not seem it but I am quite a shy person, I'm not as bad as I used to be, because of NCS who has helped boost my confidence but other then that my confidence is still pretty low, and I plan to work on it by connecting with others more.

I watched the video below and some how it connected to me on different level on how to help with my confidence, with the way it was calming and had some great tips to be more self-confidence, she said about finding your favourite qualities and have a friend who you can rely on in your time of need, and having the love for others by either helping them in any way they may need it.

Time management - I can say that my time management is probably the one major thing I need to work on because it is really bad, and by me improving on this I'm looking at how other people have worked on their time management by looking at blogs and google searches. within this blog it gives you a 5 step on how to have a more productive day which was good to read and I could use these tips within the future for example I could make a day plan so I could plan out my schedule. this page from the nhs seemed very basic and was kinda similar to the other one how ever the other one gave me more information on what I could do to improve my time management skills.

Not much media opportunities - , even though where I live there isn't much media opportunities I have looked on this website that is for looking for jobs to do with the media industry from acting in a musical to helping a film with the varieties of jobs they have, for all over the world.

In five years time, I see myself medically stable with my diabetes, while having a stable job, with a degree behind me, while creating films on the side, with a stable living arrangement. In ten years time I see myself in a healthy relationship, and with a great job, and maybe an advocate for diabetes and bringing through the importance of type 1 diabetes.


  • connect
  • socially
  • talk instead of message 
  • speak to someone new ask someone how are you? 
  • listen.5 mins aside for someone else, how are they?
  • share a journey 
be active 
  • stairs 
  • walk (with a friend)
  • organise group sports
take notice 
  • buy a plant 
  • clear clutter
  • different route 
  • new place to eat
  • find out something new about peer
  • train something new
  • read
  • sudoku, crossword, word search 
  • research something
  • learn a new word 
  • community
  • kindness

how would I connect?

The way I would connect with someone is by finding out what they like by talking to them to see for some sort of similarities for example what tv shows they are watching and then see how they are doing whats new with their lives.

how would I be more active?

The way I would be more active is by doing more exercise, either walking around my village.

how would I take notice?

the way i would take more notice by clearing out a lot of old clutter that i may not need anymore.

how would I learn?

the way i would learn more by trying to read book or doing a puzzle like suduko or a word search

how would I give back?

the way i would give back by helping out with the community, i have in the past been apart of NCS which helped young people give back to their community.

worry bus

the worry bus is all of your worries on one bus going round and round and round, and every so often it stops at the bus stop you are at, and lets you on which you start to worry, and then you cant stop worrying, which on this bus has all of your worries, from your past, from your present and from your future.

past present future
