
anxieties - worry bus
well being

research the roles and responsibilities for three jobs in the film industry.

within interview

20th century fox

How to successfully achieve an interview?

With getting an interview either for a job or a university here is some tips that could make it a successful interview, the first thing you would need to do is RESEARCH, I know it’s a pain but it is the first step to help you be successful at the interview because it is always good to go in with knowledge about the company or university, you could research about the services they provide, what products the sell, you could also go as further as looking into what customers think about the company or past students of the course you have chosen to do at you selected university, but there is also a good thing into researching the competition the have to see which is close behind the company or maybe even better then the company you are having a job interview for.
Secondly, HOW TO LOOK, for any interview you have, you are going to have to look sharp to be successful, I’m not saying going with a full three piece suit, no, however something along the lines of smart but casual, so you are comfortable during you interview. Some examples would be a shirt, maybe a tie and a pair of nice trousers, you would want them not to be creased, because then it would show that you are ready for business and smart, you wouldn’t want to go in trackies and a t-shirt, which wouldn’t look to good to the interviewer.
Thirdly, BE PREPARED, for this its simple, have a copy of your cv on you, just in case they might ask for it on the day of you interview, also take any other paper work they may ask for which they should tell you when  you get invited to an interview, also a copy of your references would be great to have on hand,
This I would say is the important one of all of these tips, BE ON TIME, its always good to be early rather than late, so I would turn up TEN minuets early to your interview maybe even a little bit earlier if you don’t know where it is, so you can find it in time and maybe have time to prepare yourself for your interview, maybe even get a recce of the location so you know where to go and how to get around, but most importantly, DON’T BE LATE.
During the interview you don’t want to lose interest so, its best to SHOW ENTHUSIASM, from the beginning till the end, through speaking clearly to shaking the hands of the interviewer, as this will show the interviewer that you are interested in the job or course.
When, in the interview, ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ASKED, show clarification through answering the questions that they ask you no matter how big or how small as long as you follow the S.T.A.R way to get you answer across this will show that you can be truthful about who you are and what the company or university is looking for.
While, the interviewer is talking all you got to do is LISTEN, to what they have to say, let them finish and DON’T interrupt them when they are talking answer when they have finished, and also read between the lines of what they are saying always go in depth of what you are saying.
When, asked a question some of them will require an EXAMPLE, which for this you should give three examples, between your successes and what makes you unique, which instead of just giving one example giving three proves that you have had experience and shows the interviewer who you are, this is also good because you can give examples to problems that you have faced and showing how you overcome the problem.
Your finally at the end of the interview, and the best way to so interest is by ASKING QUESTIONS, that the interviewer can answer for you either being about the business or what your pay rate will be, which is away of getting valuable information straight from the source, instead of getting it from google, you can get as much information from the interviewer if asking the right questions.

It doesn’t stop there, so you have had your interview and its been a week, so the best thing to do is a FOLLOW UP, start of with a email, seeing if you got the job (or place or even talking about more questions that you may have forgotten to ask), but this could be the opportunity, to ask for a meeting on how you could improve your interview technique.

  • situation
set the scene where?

  • task
the important thing is the role you did or when working with the team
  • action 
avoid jargon
involve team?
difficult person/equipment
  • result
how I've changed & how this will be in the future 

dream job 


assistant director 

what does an assistant director do? 

The assistant director (AD) is the directors right hand. The Ads plan the filming schedule, working with the director, director of photography and other heads of departments, to ensure the efficient shoot. In Pre-production, they break down the script, analysing it for what will be needed in terms of cast, locations equipment and crew. They go off to locations to assess their suitability for filming by taking lead in doing the recce forms. Then they input the script into movie magic software, which help them to work out what to film and when, depending on the availability of the cast and locations. They work out how long each scene will take to film, and write up the shooting schedule. During filming Ads manage the set, leaving the directors to concentrate on the actors and filming the shots needed.

What’s a first assistant director good at?
  • Visualising the script: read the script and know what this means in terms of cameras, locations and cast, understand the director’s vision
  • Planning: analyse what is needed for a shoot, and co-ordinate the schedules of various departments including camera, make-up, hair, costume, design and visual effects, think ahead
  • Multi-tasking: pay close attention to what is happening in one shot while getting ready for the next one
  • Innovation: think of creative solutions under pressure when the unexpected happens
  • Communication: able to let a wide range of people know exactly what is required of them and get them to work together, ability to listen to the director
How do I become a first assistant director?

This senior role which requires many years of experience. Most Ads atart out as traniees or floor runners and work their way up.
At school or college, if your wanting to go to university, A-levels or highers in art, art and design, photography, film studies, business studies, drama and theatre, graphic design and maths are useful, or you can take the following level 3 vocational qualifications:
  • Technical diploma/extended diploma in business
  • BTEC National Diploma/Extended Diploma in Art and Design
  • BTEC National Diploma/Extended Diploma in business
  • Applied General Diploma/Extended Diploma in Art and Design

If you want to go straight into a job, the following level 3 vocational qualifications will equip you:
  •  Cambridge Technical Diploma in art and design (photography)
  • Technical Diploma in Digital Media (Moving Image and Audio Production)
  • BTEC National Diploma in Film and Television Production
  • BTEC National Diploma in Photography
  • UAL Diploma/Extended Diploma in Art and Design
Get a degree:

Its not essential but if YOU want one, look at ScreenSkills’ list of recommended courses. Select ones in Film and TV. Select award where they offer training in the relevant software, dedicated time to building a portfolio and have strong links with the Film and TV industries.

casting director

what does a casting director do?
Casting directors, they find the stars to bring the characters to film or a TV drama to life. They are hired by the production company to match actors to roles. They read the scripts and meet with the producers and the directors to get a sense of the type of person they are looking for. Not only do they need to look for someone who looks right for the role but can act well as the character. They need to know the art of acting, sometimes the producers will have a lot of demands, but not all the time. They consider the actors availability, fees and how much the box office buzz they’re going to get. They also need to know the talent that’s a possibility to have, so they attend theatre productions and graduation shows to spot potential actor, they organise auditions and looks at the headshots, demos and reels. Then they present a selection of candidates to the director and producer, and altogether make a decision. Casting director’s job also involves negotiating with actors deal points or condition which they put into a casting advice note, or a deal memo. Then the production team draws up the actual contract with the actors agents.
What’s a casting director good at?
  • Knowledge of the industry: have strong knowledge of and a passion for cinema or TV drama and an appreciation for changing trends in the industry
  • Knowledge of actors: understand the art of acting and be aware of a wide range of new and existing talent, have a good memory for actors you have seen in the past
  • Eye for talent: be able to spot actors with star quality and who will fit well into individual projects and roles, have the patience to conduct a long and thorough search for the right actor for each role
  • Communication: communicate well with the producer and director to understand their requirements and be able to give direction to actors
  • Negotiation: be diplomatic, work with agents to negotiate contracts, have good financial skills, stick to a budget
Who does a casting director work with?
Casting directors work with producers and directors and some times writers and with the actors and their agents.

electric egg Lincoln

The song choices I've picked for a possibility of a choice:

Song 1: The Who "I can see for miles" 

I thought this would be a good choice because how it has a great start and its very empowering and how it carries on through the song not letting go of the power the have over the fans who listen to this.

Song 2: Ally Hills "not now"

I enjoyed the funky beat that this song gives of and how it seems very 80s - 90s feel to the song, which is what i like about this song and how she keeps the beat going an that she isn't very well known like the who or Duran Duran.

Song 3: Duran Duran "ordinary world"

I thought this would be a good choice for my show reel because of the consistent beat it had through out the song and with a calming tune that makes you want to keep watching.

Song 4: Hayley Kiyoko "this side of paradise" (lost kings remix)

With this song i wanted something different then the original song so i thought this would be a good choice with the remix of a not so well known song which is common in the lgbt community, which i thought would go great with my show reel.

Song 5: Prituri Se Planinata (nit grit remix) from step up revolution.

I picked this song because it is from one of my favourite films and the continues techno sound made it seem fitting for my show reel which i think im going to use because i like how the beat is different at certain points and it tells some sort of untold story.

The things I've done:

Not only am i using my current work im also going to work my first pieces from when i did level 2 media and i will also be adding the projects i have done in level 3 from year 1 to now and other projects i have done which i think would be fitting for my show reel which is all listed below:
- speech soda ~ i did this in level 2 media, which is for a made up company called speech soda which turned your accent into the accent you drank for example, Scott's brew which is obvious the Scottish accent so you can understand them and they can understand you.
- dr martins ~ this project i had to create an advert for an excisting company so i picked dr martins which is a shoe company, i made it seem like it was one of theirs by using there logos and making it in the punk style that most of their adverts are.
short films
- forbidden ~ this is my own work the script the directing and the editing, which is a twist on the old tale of romeo and Juliet but between a vampire and a werewolf, which told the forbidden love between the two which it follows the main character which is the vampire telling her story of being in love with a werewolf.
- conflict desire ~ this is again my own writing, of a story where we follow the main character through a normal day but gets into an accident and ends up in an alternative universe
multi camera
- spill your guts fill your guts ~ this is similar to the James cordons spill your guts or fill your guts but i made it my way by asking the guest trivia questions specifically TV and film related and if the person being asked got the question wrong then everyone would have to eat the disgusting food that was presented in front of them.
music video
- need to be stronger ~ for this project i got a friends band from the music department to produce a song for me that i could make a music video to which was based on suicide and it followed the main character being bullied and cant take it anymore so she tries to kill her self and through the video there is facts about the suicide academic that is happening.
- NCS - we said yes! ~ this is my documentary about the NCS Mentors on how they think of NCS which i got my close friends from NCS to take part in this and asked them certain questions about NCS, for example what they liked about NCS?, what their experience was like being on NCS? and would they recommend doing mentoring to anyone else?
other work
- I have filmed NCS Graduation and I have took photos too. ~ this is just off projects that i did for work experience for NCS by filming the graduations and taking pictures for the graduation.

Most of the above mentioned is on my youtube which if you would like to watch them the link is below:


social media/ messaging / telephone

do not panic
doesn't work

food and drink
(in a car)

Image result for social media logos"
insta messaging
facebook """"
skype/ facetime
work place depends

Image result for pros

Pros to using your phone in the work place;

  • moral 
  • trust
  • break
  • love - make people happier 
  • branding (can cause a buzz)
  • impresses clients 
  • media savvy 
  • internal comms
  • remote workers
  • query & reply
  • improves team work 
  • up to speed with my post
Cons to using your phone in the work place;

  • bullying (cyber bullied)
  • trolling
  • addictive
  • negative effects
  • mental health
  • opinions 
  • it is there forever (social footprint)
  • context
  • be mistakes 
  • viruses 
  • revenge porn
  • local social media for company 'buzz'
  • WeTransfer and email

There are so many pros and cons to using social media in the work place, for example, having respect from your workers and respect for who's in charge, it can also improve team work ( by having a group chat so if something happens then everyone can know just by messaging into the group chat, however there are many cons to how many pros there are, for example there could be bullying within the company happening online or someone could be trolling them, it can also be just as addictive as drugs or alcohol and you would have to be careful on what you put on you social medias because it stays there forever (social footprint) and you could say something that the company you work for wouldn't approve of.

Image result for phone call

Phone skills in a work place:

1) Positive tone (smile).
2.) Clear enunciation.
3.) Be sincere, company name, your name, offer assistance, "thank you", bye - bye).
4) Use their name.
5) Leave the customer satisfied.

Using the above skills i have made a mock phone call using the said skills which you can find on my production page.


  1. Please embed your mock interview from last week. You are a week behind already, Caitlin … Upload your IV and your feedback too.

  2. Write a little for each of your projects you wish to include on your reel.

  3. very good, write in more detail and it could be improved


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